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Monday, June 23, 2014

What's Up?

Been a while since I've been on here - had some serious health issues to deal with - had 4-way coronary bypass surgery and then had a heart attack. I know that's kind of backwards but that's me - always doing things the hard way!  Had to take a good look at my life and take a little slow down for a while.  Learn to breathe, learn to say no.

I've also moved in with my elderly mother, and am watching her decline.  Her health is not exactly poor, but she is ready to move on.  I'm not quite ready yet though, and that's hard for her and hard for me too.  So we are here together making what we can of these last days and weeks together.  We watch all the news and rail together against the stupid politicians in Washington, and here in Montana.  We cheer for our heroes in life and wherever we can find them.  We cry over the downtrodden and miserable together.  We eat wonderful meals together because that is the one pleasure we do not deny ourselves.

Mom naps a lot. My cat has transferred a lot of her affection to my mom (she is not a very affectionate cat!) and that is perfectly okay with me.  So my cat naps in her lap.  I sew or knit while they both nap.  Or I nap too.

I finally have felt like I wanted to start writing again - so here I am - back again.

So....that's what's up for now.  I plan on trying to write about once per week.

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